There are still many Southern Asian tribal groups that have been overlooked when it comes to Christian evangelization and humanitarian aid by the west for a long time. This is mainly true due to the fact that foreign missionaries have been restricted or even banned from coming into countries within this region of the world.  The fact is many groups are still impoverished and need aid from other countries.  The standard of living for the majority of the people is still considered poor from the eyes of countries in the west.  Many families do not have the finances to own a home for themselves and many from tribal areas are so poor that they dwell in huts made of bamboo and straw.  Unfortunately, in some places, the opportunity to do mission work is becoming narrower with each passing year.

For many tribal groups, governmental oppression, generational bondages, traditional influence, and false teaching are very much prevalent.  False teachings have crept their way in the churches in the areas where the gospel has been preached.  Still, there are many places that have yet to hear the gospel message.  These problems have made it difficult for many individuals to come out of their situation and receive deliverance by learning the true teachings of Jesus Christ as well as following him as a true disciple. These are typical problems that are found in Southern Asian countries.  While in some areas of this region Christian missionary influences can be felt from years ago, there is still a great need for correction and uprooting of false teachings and heretical doctrines that have made their way into the church.  A spiritual awakening is needed among indigenous pastors, leaders, and believers alike.  Our vision is to also reach them with the love of Christ by teaching, correcting, and strengthening Christian leaders and churches and making Disciples of Christ within those areas. 

If indigenous leaders are able to correctly divide the Word of God, they can also be effective in reaching and making disciples with sound teaching within their own churches and tribal areas. This is especially important in some areas where ethnicity is a crucial factor on whether a missionary has access to communicate, and/or whether they can or cannot personally go.  Southern Asia Tribal Outreach has now been actively involved in bringing about change in a country like Myanmar by establishing a School of Ministry and by taking an active role in helping expand a network of ministers and churches.