One means of completing our vision to reach all people with the gospel is by building both a school of ministry and orphanage. In October of 2016, God showed us where He wanted the future site of both our school of ministry and orphanage ministry. By faith, we had given the down payment for the land. We prayed for the finances to purchase the estate, and God answered! Within two years, we were able to acquire the land, make a well on the property, and clear it for the building project. 

The ground seen here is about 2 acres in area. It is an excellent location because it is secluded enough for our ministry purposes while also being within the limits of Lashio. Electricity lines are already nearby, and God gave a freshwater source on the property. The Myanmar Evangelical School of Ministry and Orphanage Ministry will be where men and women from all tribal groups and educational backgrounds can come to study God’s Word and learn about Christ.


SATO is now at phase 2 of our building project. There are three major components for this phase of the project. The first component of this phase is to build two dormitories and faculty building. With the completion of at least one dormitory, men and women can begin to stay, be taught the Word of God, and be prepared for ministry. With the completion of these structures, more students who desire to come and learn God’s word can stay and have the right learning environment they need to be taught and prepare to be ministers of God’s Word.

The second component of this phase is the building of a general room/canteen. This building is needed for two primary purposes. The building will have at least two rooms. One room can be used for students to have a place to eat, and the second can be a temporary solution for classes to be held as well as a place of worship. This setup is only until other structures can be built in future phases. The structure can be used for various purposes for the needs of the school. As we interact and show Christ to our neighbors, it can also function as a place to conduct worship service until we can build a sanctuary.

The final component of this phase is the completion of a wall that goes around the whole property. While the surrounding area is considered safe for students to reside, a barrier is needed to keep them protected. It will also be used to delineate our property border. These are essential purposes that a wall would serve, and it is necessary to have it in this phase as well.


After Myanmar Evangelical School of Ministry has fully adjusted to the new location, we would like to continue future projects immediately. 

These projects include building a Sanctuary for Worship, establishing SATO’s Orphanage ministry and maintaining the Myanmar Evangelical School of Ministry building project by building additional structures for classroom and library. All these projects will help aid in SATO’s vision for the country of Myanmar.

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